Branch Office
E Recikaza


EE-RECIKLAZA, F- Group Ltd is a company that is committed to environmental protection. Our mission is using the best available technology for the recycling of all types of electronic and electrical waste (WEEE) to be removed from nature, on reliable, efficient and socially responsible manner.
EE-RECIKLAZA, F- Group Ltd is a licensed company with a license to perform work for the storage, treatment of electrical and electronic waste, issued by the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning with number: 11-6462/7 since 14.12.2011.

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About Us


To communicate a story in a manner that will shape and change the perception and the basic understanding of the consumer. To do this effectively, our communication aims are to do more than merely inform, but convert that information into memorable, motivating perceptions that will create an image setting it creatively apart from the competitors.


By using the highest standards in advertising we position our Clients at the top by using creativity as an aesthetic and ethical instrument for establishing new business, as well as new customer and public relations.


What makes us unique? Is it our product, our service or our clients?

F-Group is a private company, established in 1998 in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia aimed at working on development of full marketing services, from idea to realization.

Our Brand can be seen as the devolution of our core values taking a form of certain identity. This identity can include visual manifestation of these values, the embodiment of our desired personality and it can take many forms. Our identity has all the visual aspects of a trademark – a chosen letter mark or logotype, picture mark, typefaces and colours. However, it also involves the ethos, ambiance and the consumer perception surrounding the product- You.


To encourage customers to innovate.

Our mantra: If you do not risk on a new idea, then it becomes a risk.

Innovation challenges everyone’s ability to adapt. But to adapt to change is the first step to innovation.